
Showing posts from April, 2019

Special needs

I read an article called The “r” word and well I didn’t really like because special needs are retarded but its when you say it in a mean tone is when it becomes a bad word. so when people say “sped” it's weird to me because I’ve never seen anyone use that word but to use the word retarded to make a person with a disability feel bad if I did see someone use like that then I would confront them (these are my opinions). But a video called Dear hearing people made me think because deaf people are just like use they just can’t hear that’s all they can still be as successful as you or more successful and that’s what I feel about most special needs aswell I just treat them like I normally do because they are still people.

SlIce of life day 8

The Mixup The day before spring break my teacher told me that my gym class would stay on the same day an A day. So when we got back to school it was a B day so I went to my new social justice class but during    attendance she didn’t say my name that should have been the first hint but I was so sure that I was in the right class that I didn’t care. Later she said “ you in this class, what’s your name” I told and looked at my schedule I was supposed to go to gym class. I felt so embarrassed but I didn’t really care I just got bamboozled.