
Showing posts from January, 2019


The article I read had the topic about how Sea world was ending their famous killer whale show in 2019. Because they have been reproducing orcas for forty years. If they are stopping then  I think this is great. Because the orcas should be freed since they are pretty intelligent. Another article states that we shouldn’t even have zoos because animals are prisoners at the zoo. On the other hand they say keep them because they protect endangered animals like the golden frog. Which became extinct everywhere they live because of a diesease. Now I say we shouldn’t end zoos because if they are trying to repopulate endangered animals then what’s wrong with it.

Why we shouldn’t have uniforms in school

We shouldn’t have uniforms in school because it takes away from our freedom this article states “ Wearing a uniform takes away our freedom of expression as it limits how we can express ourselves.“ But besides many uniforms are uncomfortable restricting movement and making it uncomfortable also this article says.”  It can be uncomfortable for students and they may find it harder to concentrate. Plus, in a lot of instances, it can be irritating and could be embarrassing.” With these reasons I don’t think we should have uniforms anymore. The article that helped me with this post:

My one word 2019

my word is try-harder. I choose this word because I feel like you can always try-harder to improve yourself. If you reach one goal then stride to the next there is never a boundary unless you make one so keep on improving yourself. Now with this you can’t say I want to improve you have to work but it shows after time that’s why I choose this word.